Wednesday, July 28, 2010, antiques, & art!

July 17th

Today was a free day in Prague. Lauren and I went all over the city again and pretty much felt like a couple of travel savvy Americanas. We went to the Prague Toy Museum and took a walk down memory lane due to the extensive Barbie collection. One of the oddest barbies we came across was “preggers barbie”. See photo. This Barbie quite literally has a bun in the oven that you can remove. Weird. We also saw barbies that had actual mink stoles. A piece of plastic got a real fur coat!

After the toy museum, Lauren and I ran into some peeps in our group. As we were wandering around, I happen to look into a tiny antique shop window as we passed and spotted a clock of a girl riding a horse. I shouted at everyone to wait up a second ran in and asked the woman (who could barely speak English) about it. She pulled it off the shelf and said it was a 17th century, Baroque clock and it was 2500 crowns. I smiled and wished and then left… So halfway down the street I was going back in forth in my mind… On one hand if Antique Roadshow ever came into town, I’d totally have something to take, but geez it was like 120 bucks! So I made a split second, do or die decision and ran back to the shop and asked if she’d take 2000 crowns for it. She called the owner and had a lengthy discussion in Czech while I tried to act casually like I bought 400 year old antiques everyday… Aaaaaand I am now the proud owner of a 17th century Baroque clock. Yeah I’m cool.

We also spent some time in the afternoon at the open air market...where there are numerous artists selling their work. We each left with some great paintings!

Laundry. So later in the afternoon my travel buddy and I decided that unless we were going to take the suggestion of turning our undies inside out, we were going to need to do a load. Our current roomies, Jackie & Markie, sisters from Kentucky, wanted to do laundry as well so we set out for a Laundromat that was supposedly close to the hotel… After a couple laps around the city lugging dirty clothes, we finally found it after a fellow American traveler asked if we were looking for the Laundromat… I guess he could tell we were getting desperate enough because at one point we did sniff the air and say “I think I smell laundry…? It’s gotta be close…” So laundry was done! Our panties thanked us kindly.

Tomorrow we are heading to Heidelberg! Jenny's old stomping grounds :)

J & L